Donnerstag, 22. Dezember 2011

Questionnaire of Living

Navci asked me, if I felt like filling out a questionnaire for my dolls. Of course! But because it's a very long one, I think I'll do it in parts as it takes a while to find the right thing for each character. This was a nice challenge and I have to admit I hadn't given much thought to most things in the questionnaire before. Very useful exercise in getting to know one's characters. 

So here is the first part: Food. The participants are Phineas, Santana, Yanír and Ava.

Phineas: I guess, I'll try anything as long as isn't overcooked or slimy. My stepfather loves gruel and porage, the consistenc alone makes me sick to my stomach.
Santana: Ooh, I love trying new dishes! The more exotic, the better.
Yanír: Being away from home for the first time, I find that people here eat lots of things my family wouldn't consider proper sustentation. I had to get used to eating certain things that I didn't know before. Does that make me adventurous? Probably not, I'm just adaptable.
Ava: I'm definitely picky. That doesn't mean that I won't ever try anything new, but I'm probably more cautious with new food than other people.

Your favourite herb/spice?
Phineas: I'll say Oregano.
Santana: Peppermint.
Yanír: I find it hard to chose. There are so many useful herbs and spices out there. Jacob's Ladder can cure headaches, Marjoram is antiseptic, Pellitory-of-the-wall is good when treating wounds, Roseroot prevents fatigue, Sanicle can help with a sore throat or when you have a rash...
Ava: Cinnamon and Nutmeg.

How do you like your eggs done?
Phineas: Fried, with sausages. No bacon, just sausages.
Santana: Soft-boiled. And I won't eat egg salad. That's just icky.
Yanír: I don't quite know, yet. Apparently there are so many different ways to eat eggs.
Ava: I like scrambled eggs, or hard-boiled. But only if they are still hot. Cold hard-boiled eggs taste like old socks.

Your typical breakfast?
Phineas: Fried eggs with sausages and then baked beans and toast. Perfect way to start the day.
Santana: Toast with marmalade. I love my Mum's oatcakes, but unfortunately there's nothing quite like them here in school.
Yanír: I've grown quite fond of pancakes with chocolate chips. Hmmm.
Ava: Bread with cheese or jam, so Käsebrot or Marmeladenbrot.

Tea/Coffee? How do you like them?
Phineas: Darjeeling. Black tea, not green or white. I like it with milk but no sugar.
Santana: I prefer peppermint tea with two sugars. I don't like black tea or coffee, neither of them taste good.
Yanír: Nothing can beat an infusion of woodruff. That's my favourite hot beverage.
Ava: Coffee with lots of milk.

Your favourite dessert?
Phineas: I don't have much of a sweet tooth. Does cheese count as a dessert?
Santana: Cookies! Or chocolate. Or ice cream. Anything sweet really.
Yanír: I like to smoke pipe-weed after dinner, but in school this is frowned upon. A teacher confiscated my pipe on my second day and I landed in detention for a week. So, no, I don't have a favourite dessert.
Ava: Peppernuts. Are they a dessert?

Do you eat your favourite thing in the dish first? Or last? Alternate?
Phineas: Last.
Santana: Definitely alternate!
Yanír: First.
Ava: Last.

Your comfort food?
Phineas: Hmm, my Mum makes roast venison. Best dish in the world. When I'm in school, I'd say spaghetti.
Santana: My Mum's roast venison. I can't wait for our Christmas dinner.
Yanír: Food that comforts me? I don't know, isn't that what a hot beverage is supposed to do? Then I'll say an infusion of woodruff.
Ava: Probably pizza with lots of cheese. That or warm cookies that come fresh out of the oven.

Your favourite drink (alcoholic)?
Phineas: I don't care for alcohol at all.
Santana: All I've ever tried is red wine and I didn't much care for it.
Yanír: My mother's sister makes a very good brandywine.
Ava: Maibowle, May wine. My father makes it every year for May Day.

Herbivore or Carnivore?
Phineas: Omnivore. I love meat but it tastes better with vegetables.
Santana: I don't know. I guess, I could live without meat but I couldn't without fruit or vegetables. Does that make me a Herbivore?
Yanír: Herbivore. I don't understand how humans can eat meat. I know, I'm supposed to observe and not judge, but it makes me sad how humans treat animals and the world around them.
Ava: I haven't given it much thought. I guess, when it comes down to it, I really like both, meat and vegetables.

Favourite meat?
-> How do you like it?
Phineas: Venison. Roasted. With potatoes and beans.
Santana: Hm, venison? At least the way my Mum makes it.
Yanír: No meat!
Ava: I don't know, steak, probably. I like mine medium.

Favourite non-meat? (fruit/veggie)?
Phineas: Beans - doesn't matter if they are green, red or white. Beans are great.
Santana: Cucumbers; I like them in salads. I also love Tomatoes! In salads, as tomato sauce, as tomato soup, in stews... Anywhere really.
Yanír: Erm, depends if you are asking about roots, bulbs, stem shoots, seeds, leaves, sprouts, buds... And those are only the vegetables. If you ask for fruit, you need to tell me, if you mean berries, stone fruit...
Ava: My favourite fruit? Banana. For vegetables I like pretty much anything you can find on a pizza.

One thing you can never give up?
Phineas: Food-wise? Hmm, maybe spaghetti.
Santana: Any sweets really. I just love cookies and chocolate.
Yanír: Well, I'd like to say pipe-weed, but I've had to give that up. Other than that, I don't know.
Ava: Pizza, I think.

Favourite snack?
Phineas: Crisps.
Santana: Cookies.
Yanír: Sycamore drops.
Ava: Do chips count as a snack or as a meal? In winter I'd have to say cookies, though. Hmm, Peppernuts!

Do you use tabacco?
Phineas: No.
Santana: No.
Yanír: I smoke pipe-weed.
Ava: Never. My father smokes, I really dislike the smell.

Other relevant random facts?
Phineas: An apple a day keeps the doctor away?
Santana: Rainbow sprinkles FTW!
Yanír: Don't eat anything that has a soul.
Ava: Hurray for Peppernuts.

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