Before I sent my first head abroad I therefore called up my local custom's office and talked to them about it. Lucky for me, they had a lot of time and we could talk about my idea at length. Fact is
a) the head that I'm sending off is already my posession. If the doll came from Asia, I've had to pay taxes already when it arrived. If the doll was bought by a European retailer, I already paid taxes with my purchase. If it was bought privately, I didn't have to pay taxes.
b) I don't have to pay taxes on something that is in already mine yet again.
So we came to the following idea. If I can prove that the head is mine when it arrives, I don't have to pay taxes on it. I do however have to pay taxes for the face-up (if the face-up is more expensive than whatever my country has set as a limit for tax-free import). So before I sent off a package abroad I have to include:
- proof that the head belongs to me. That can be a paypal bill from the purchase (if it was a private sale) or, better yet, an invoice from the company or retailer from which you bought the doll. Best send a copy and keep the original. You never know.
- a letter to customs in an envelope labled "Dear Custom Officer, please open!" or similar. n_n It should explain the situation and have the bill for the doll in there.
- a detailed invoice from your face-up artist. Ask them to list the shipping costs seperately. You do not have to pay taxes on shipping!
If you want to be on the safe side, also call your local custom's office before you send off your package and explain to them that you will be sending out a doll head to be painted and that you are including proof that it is yours. When you come around to pick it up, they'll be prepared and most likely remember you. Not everyone gets doll heads through the mail. n_n
Hope you find this helpful!
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